Do Limes Have Seeds?

Do Limes Have Seeds?

It sounds like a funny question but it is actually asked quite often. Do limes have seeds? Limes are an under rated fruit in our opinion. They are small, but so mighty. Lime juice is used in countless recipes, and are probably one of the most purchased fruit in the nation.

This question isn’t unique to one type of lime, it goes for key limes, Persian lime, regular lime, sweet lime, kaffir lime, finger lime (citrus australasica) and a mexican lime.

Yes, they do! Limes have seeds! However there are some seedless lime as well. Limes are a type of citrus fruit that are native to Asia and are widely cultivated around the world. They are similar in appearance and flavor to lemons, but they are smaller and have a slightly sweeter and tarter taste. Limes are known for their bright green skin and acidic juice, and they are a popular ingredient in cooking and baking. Limes are often used to add flavor and acidity to dishes, and they are also used to make lime juice, lime zest, and lime marmalade. Like other citrus fruits, limes have seeds that are located in the center of the fruit. These seeds are small, hard, and oval-shaped, and they are typically removed before the lime is used in cooking or eating.

Why is it even a question?

Some people may think that limes do not have seeds because they are similar in appearance and flavor to lemons, which do not have many seeds. Lemons are a type of citrus fruit that are native to Asia, and they are known for their bright yellow skin and acidic juice. Lemons are a popular ingredient in cooking and baking, and they are often used to add flavor and acidity to dishes. Unlike limes, lemons do not have many seeds, and the seeds that they do have are small, hard, and oval-shaped. These seeds are typically removed before the lemon is used in cooking or eating.

Another reason that some people may think that limes do not have seeds is because they are more familiar with seedless lime varieties. Seedless limes are a type of lime that has been genetically modified to have fewer or no seeds. They aren’t the only variety of seedless fruit. These limes are popular because they are easier to eat and use in cooking, as they do not have the seeds that can be found in regular limes. Seedless limes are not as common as regular limes, and they are typically more expensive. However, regular limes do have seeds, and they are typically removed before the lime is used in cooking or eating. So, that answers that, if anyone ever asks you, Do limes have seeds, you can confidently answer YES!

How do you propagate a lime?

If you don’t want to start with a store bought seed to grow your own fruit you can propogate! How do you propagate a lime or sweet limes without lime seeds?

To propagate a lime tree from cuttings, follow these steps:

Choose a healthy, disease-free stem from the parent plant that is at least 6 inches long and has at least two sets of leaves.

Cut the stem just below a leaf node, using a sharp knife or pruning shears. Remove the lower leaves and any flowers or fruit.

Dip the cut end of the stem in rooting hormone powder. This will help stimulate root growth.

Fill a small pot or container with a well-draining rooting medium, such as perlite or vermiculite. Water the medium until it is evenly moist, but not soggy.

Make a hole in the rooting medium with a pencil or dowel, and insert the cutting so that the leaf node is just below the surface. Firm the medium around the cutting to hold it in place.

Place the pot or container in a warm, well-lit location, but out of direct sunlight. A south-facing windowsill or greenhouse is ideal.

Keep the rooting medium evenly moist, but not waterlogged. Mist the cutting with water regularly to keep the leaves from drying out.

After several weeks, the cutting should begin to produce new growth. At this point, it can be transplanted into a larger pot or into the ground.

Note: It is also possible to propagate limes using air layering or by rooting a lime tree in water. However, these methods may not be as reliable as rooting cuttings in soil.

How to Keep Limes Fresh

Here are a few tips for keeping limes fresh:

Store limes at room temperature, away from direct sunlight. Limes will last longer when they are stored in a cool, dry place.

To extend the shelf life of limes, store them in the refrigerator. Limes will keep for several weeks in the refrigerator, although they may become slightly less flavorful over time.

If you have a lot of limes and want to keep them fresh for as long as possible, you can freeze them. To freeze limes, wash and dry them thoroughly, then slice them into wedges or cut them into small cubes. Place the fruit wedges or cubes in a single layer on a baking sheet and freeze until solid. Once frozen, transfer the lime wedges or cubes to a resealable plastic bag or container and return them to the freezer. Frozen limes will keep for several months.

To use frozen fruit limes, remove them from the freezer and thaw for a few minutes at room temperature. Alternatively, you can add them directly to drinks or recipes while still frozen. Frozen limes however do have less of that zesty fresh flavor. I relate it to tasting similar to a frozen lime popsicle flavor.

To keep cut limes fresh, wrap them tightly in plastic wrap or aluminum foil and store in the refrigerator. Cut limes will keep for a few days in the refrigerator, although they may become slightly less flavorful over time.

Health benefits to eating limes

Limes are a citrus fruit and high in vitamin c, that mean they are great for immunity and antioxidants. Drinking lime juice can help reduce heart disease, and improve healthy skin and help your body absorb iron. All limes come from a citrus tree.

Did you know there is a lime that is called a “caviar lime” because when opened it is a lot of tiny lime juice pods. It looks like true lime green caviar. These are called finger limes.

Our favorite way to enjoy limes are in a key lime pie. You can use key lime juice to make a delicious pie too. Key lime is definitely a unique lime flavor that we’d say is separate from other lime varieties.

Did You Know?

Latifolia, is also known as bearss lime, tahitian lime and persian lime. The persian lime tree produce limes that are larger than Mexican limes. They have a unique sour flavor. They carry a sweet flavor as well that is great paired with vegetables and meat dishes. More unique however is the rangpur lime because when you cut into it, it is actually orange. The rangpur lime often called the mandarin lime or citron, has a very acidic flavor and sometimes the peel is orange too. The rangpur lime is from Bangladesh and are known as the “King of Fragrance” here is  related article on them. Limes are truly interesting, the fruit comes from all over. You can enjoy west indian lime, dried limes, fresh lime of course, tahiti lime, mexican lime, blood limes and more. Grow them at home, or try different varieties at your local market. Now we know that limes do in fact have seeds, but that there are seedless limes, and there are other seedless fruit, like seedless watermelon, seedless grape and seedless lemon. You don’t have to own a persian lime trees to enjoy limes at home. Pick up citrus seeds at your local store. They have many different lime variety. Just look for lime seed if propagation isn’t for you! So now we know, limes do have seeds, and you can take these seeds and grow more limes and have a never ending supply! And you know how to keep them fresh!

Check out some of our great spices that go great with lime in your home cooked meals. Like Fajitas, Indian Curries, Chili’s and more. 

Our all time favorite? Street Tacos and lime!!! Happy Eating!

2 thoughts on “Do Limes Have Seeds?”

    1. The Natural Spot

      Hi Cheryl!

      Great question! It depends on if the limes you buy at the grocery store have seeds or are seedless. If they’re seedless, unfortunately you won’t be able to grow a lime tree from it. Most grocery stores sell seedless limes because they believe most of their shoppers prefer seedless. However, if you do find a grocery store that sells limes with seeds you can absolutely grow a lime tree from the seeds. The process of growing a lime tree from a lime seed is pretty simple.

      1. Take the lime seed and soak it in water for about an hour to soften the outer shell.
      2. Take your lime seed and place them on a damp papertowel and place the papertowel in a ziplock bag and store it in a dark area for about two weeks. The seeds should germinate during that time and sprout roots.
      3. After the lime seeds have sprouted roots you can plant them in a small container or egg carton about a half inch deep. Make sure to keep the soil moist and cover the top with the bottom half of a plastic water bottle or anything similar to create a greenhouse effect. Make sure to give them lots of sun!
      4. When your lime plant has a handful of fullsize leaves and is at least a few inches tall you can transplant it to a larger container. Make sure to keep it watered and in an area with lots of sun.

      Let us know how your lime tree adventure goes! We’d love updates!

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