10″ Cinnamon Sticks


SKU: S00-082 Category:

6 10″ Cinnamon Stick quills for $5.99


10″ Ceylon Cinnamon Sticks

Did you know that cinnamon comes from the inside bark of various trees. It contains power medicinal properties, and has been used and enjoyed for centuries. The sticks are a great addition to your spice cabinet in that they can be easily added to tea, simmered in soups, act as a garnish and so much more. Our Cinnamon is Ceylon Cinnamon, this particular type hails from Sri Lanaka. It is referred to as “true cinnamon.”

Health Benefits

Cinnamon has various health benefits

  1. Helps to prevent Alzheimer’s
  2. Improve blood sugar levels
  3. Help with fungal infections
  4. Helps to prevent MS (multiple sclerosis)
  5. Helps to treat wounds
  6. Preventing cancer and heart disease

We also sell Ceylon Cinnamon in powder form.

0/5 (0 Reviews)
Weight 2.5 oz



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